2023-2024 PTA Membership
2023-2024 PTA Membership
There is no required commitment when becoming a PTA member! Your membership is a donation–dues help support the numerous events, activities, and programs sponsored by the PTA throughout the school year. However, you must be a current paid member in order to have voting privileges.
Membership payments are at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to participate in the PTA events please fill out this contact form.
If you’d like to learn more, email: membership@localhost
[contact-form to=”membership@localhost” subject=”23-24 PTA Membership Response”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Are you a Family or Staff Member?” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”Family,Staff”][contact-field label=”Student(s) Grade Levels” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”1st Grade,2nd Grade,3rd Grade,4th Grade,5th Grade”][contact-field label=”Level of Interest in Participating in PTA” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Attend Meetings,Chair an Event,Volunteer at events during school hours,Volunteer at events outside of school hours,Donate items (ie food or supplies),Behind the scenes work (ie emails/calls from home to organize an event),All of the above,Not sure — would like to learn more”][contact-field label=”Specific Areas of Interest” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Book Fair,Dining for Dollars,Popcorn Fridays,Teacher Luncheons,Santa’s Breakfast,5th Grade Fun Day,Ski Club Coordinator,Ice Cream Social,Staff Appreciation,Trunk or Treat,Holiday Baskets,Daughter Dance,Reflections Art Contest,5th Grade Yearbook/Tees,Anything that’s needed”][contact-field label=”Any skills/expertise or areas of interest you’d like to offer to the PTA? Or a new event that you would like to Chair? ” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
2023-2024 PTA Memberships
September 22, 2023 - June 30, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm