PTA Chair and Board Descriptions

PTA Chair and Board Descriptions

Chair Position Descriptions

We know many in the North School Community would love to help out by chairing different events but have questions about what chairing the event actually entails. This page should be reasonably up to date and contain the basics for each chair position. While some of these may sound somewhat overwhelming remember that the board and past chairs are here to help as much as needed to ensure you are successful and in most cases there is a basic playbook already in place!

  • Bookfair (Fall & Spring) – Generally a chair and co-chair who is responsible for working with the Scholastic Store to organize the Fall and Spring Book Fair. In conjunction with working with Scholastic, this also includes aligning on a date, facilitating the setup and tear down of the fair, working with the volunteer coordinator for volunteers to work the fair and communicating to Administration and PTA around promoting the fair.
  • Book Swap
  • Box Tops – Organize the collection of Box Tops for Education (BTE) from classrooms and return to the BTE organization. Also driving communication around dates for collection, what to clip and using the phone app for easy submission.
  • Bus Driver Appreciation– Organize the event around Bus Driver appreciation including communication and working with Administration to make sure everyone is included and handling the event details
  • Calendar Raffle – Fundraiser generally in either fall or spring where a name is drawn each day of a month from purchased entries for a winner of that day’s prize. The chair would be the point person for talking to different local business inquiring about item/gift card donations to the raffle, they would also be the point person for driving raffle entry sales and would be responsible for drawing a name each day of the month. A co-chair is welcome, the board is happy to pitch in and of course reaching out to others for help with finding donations, etc. is encouraged
  • Custodian/Cafe/SRO Appreciation – Organize the event around Custodian/Cafe/SRO appreciation including communication and working with Administration to make sure everyone is included and handling the event details
  • Dollar Days – Picking a dollar days theme and date to be approved by the Administration, usually done by PTA president
  • Facebook – Admin of Facebook page. Generally PTA President and VP
  • Father/Daughter – Organize the Father Daughter Dance. Pick date, venue, theme, etc. This is usually in the spring
  • Father/Son – Organize the Father Son event which has been tubing an Macintyre Ski Mountain recently. This would mean setting the date with the mountain and communicating the details out to the north school community
  • Family Game Night
  • Family Movie Night – Organize family movie night, has been done as a partnership with Chunkie’s Cinema as well as in the gymnasium at North School. This includes selecting date, movie, verifying venue availability and communication about event
  • Fifth Grade Fun Day (Committee) – Organizing the 5th grade fun day. Activities, timing, volunteers, date. Generally a 5th grade parent
  • Fifth Grade Tshirts – Gathering the numbers, setting the design and working with our sprit wear provider to get the 5th grade t-shirts for the end of the year. Generally a 5th grade parent
  • Fifth Grade Yearbook (Committee) – Compiling and publishing the 5th grade yearbook. Collecting pictures and getting the yearbook together then getting finished books to 5th grade teachers for distribution. Generally a 5th grade parent
  • Fun Run/Color Run – In years that a running event is held, responsible for picking the date, securing the venue or course, finding local sponsors and organizing volunteers. Co-chair is reccomended
  • Holiday Baskets – Holiday Raffle Baskets, historically out for adding entries leading up to and during the Santa Breakfast. Chair is responsible for putting the baskets together, looking for items and gift certificates contributed by local businesses then creating the baskets from those items. A co-chair is strongly encouraged.
  • Honey Pot Bank – Honey Pot Bank is a savers program that we run at the school in conjunction with TD Bank.  As chair, you’ll be responsible for holding a “deposit day” once or twice a month (at your discretion) to allow children an opportunity to make deposits into their savings account.  After collecting the student’s deposits, you’ll take the money to the bank to be deposited.  You’ll be expected to keep track of the number of deposits made by each child over the year, purchase prizes, and organize the monthly & end of the year raffles.  Any out of pocket expenses are reimbursable by the PTA.
  • Ice Cream Social – Organize the ice cream social that goes hand in hand with the in person book fair, held in the North Cafe. Select the date, organize the volunteers to work the event and take point on getting the ice cream/toppings
  • LetGoYourMind Lego Program – Communicate the dates and details of LetGoYourMind (Stem Lego build program) to North Community, collecting the money and getting list of paid participants and collected money to program director
  • Membership – Communicating to North School community about membership cost, benefits and details. Collecting membership dues and keeping membership list. List will be turned in to state organization
  • Mother/Daughter
  • Mother/Son – Organize the Mother/Son outing, has been recently held at Mel’s Funway Park. Responsible for selecting the venue/event, working with event for date, communicating details to the North Community and any other details that may be necessary pertaining to the chosen event.
  • Old Home Day Kidz Night
  • Parent Night Out (sign night) – Working with sign night group to select the date/venue and driving communications around it
  • Programming Coordinator
  • Reflections – Organizing the reflections ART night at the school in the cafeteria, including getting materials and theme for the students. Work with the main Reflections organization to get all the necessary details including submission date, judging dates, theme among others. Make sure the North submissions get to the proper people.
  • Ride Along-Police Car – Organize the police car ride along with the LPD
  • Ride Along-Fire Truck – Organize the fire truck ride along with the LFD
  • Santa’s Breakfast – Organize the yearly Santa breakfast at North School. This includes selecting the date, organizing the food, setting up Santa’s appearance and organizing games and activities at the breakfast and finding volunteers.
  • Spirit Sticks – Responsible for ordering and selling spirit sticks to the student population including managing inventory and communicating when they will be sold and which spirit sticks are being sold.
  • Spirit Wear – Responsible for getting orders for spirit wear several ties during the year, collecting the money and relaying the orders to the spirit wear service. Once order is ready responsible for getting orders to those who purchased them. Must communicate when orders are going in and what is available for purchase and for what price (will require verifying prices with spirit wear service)
  • Staff Appreciation Week – Organizing staff appreciation week events (raffle, etc). This includes working with Administration on details, communication and being point on any events.
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Responsible for the Staff Appreciation luncheon during staff appreciation week. This includes working through the details with the administration, making sure all staff is able to participate in some way and communicating it out.
  • Teacher Luncheon-Fall – During the fall workshop day working with the administration to come up with a fall luncheon to benefit the teachers
  • Touch-a-Truck – Organize the touch-a-truck event including selecting the date and communicating the information out
  • Technology Committee – Help with maintaining FB, web site, google drive, and any other IT related needs for the PTA
  • Volunteer Coordinator – Keep track of hours spent by PTA volunteers and submit to blue ribbon committee. Aid any chairs who need help in finding volunteers for their events

Looking for the current chair list?

Board Member Position Descriptions

Board members serve in their positions for 2 year terms. The positions are voted on for the following year at the end of the current year. Terms are staggered with President and VP terms being up on alternate years than Treasurer, Secretary and Technology Chair/Member At Large

  • President – Primary responsibility is to organize and run the meetings and to make sure committee chairs have what they need. Other duties include interacting with the national organization and working for general PTA organization.
  • Vice President – Primary responsibility is aid in the responsibilities of the president.
  • Treasurer – Primary responsibility is to maintain the accounting and drive/maintain the budget for the PTA. Other responsibilities include approving reimbursements and issuing checks as well as vendor payment as needed.
  • Secretary – Primary responsibility is to take notes during monthly meetings and write them up to maintain the historical record
  • Technology Chair / Member At Large – Primary responsibility includes helping with technology needs and helping out where needed throughout the board responsibilities

Looking for the current board members?